Heather Sheehan

Single opening video, 1999

Heather Sheehan’s video consists of six sculptures presented in a clinical style laboratory. Each sculpture resembles slimey alien organs or tissue which are surrounded by PVC plastic and strange apparatus which appears to be keeping it alive. Could these have been removed from a human? …if so we imagine the bloody violent act of removal of such organs. Or have these been medically grown and produced, developing into something we cannot fathom? Both theories leave the viewer feeling slightly repulsed, anxieties heightened of what it could be by the clinical white tiles and eerie atmosphere.

There is also an air of humour about these pieces from the out of proportion long legs on the apparatus to the hair cap and ‘shoe protectors’ placed on another. Each piece of equipment takes on a persona and character. This only further disturbs the reaction to the contents within. An interesting contrast occurs between the grotesque ‘living’ being and the clinical equipment encasing it.


Sheehan’s work appealed to me for its organic grotesque forms which appear to be being kept alive in incubators and with the aid of other medical equipment. This also then linked to my interest of medical anatomy which I have been experimenting with previously. The desirability of being immortal, trying to protect the ageing process.

This work has got me thinking about my degree show and how I wish to display my own work, to best fit the intentions for my practice.
The idea of displaying work in a different way other than just on a plinth is something that really appeals to me. Displaying in a way like Sheehan creates more of an atmosphere and narrative to better understand the work.
I would like to experiment in various ways in which I could exhibit my work, the idea of using medical inspired displays really has appealed to me.

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